Focus on Breton partner companies

Nke Instrumentation

Nke Instrumentation develops, manufactures and markets instrumentation for monitoring marine waters and aquatic environments. In this capacity, it collaborates in numerous Research and Development programs, both national and European, and works in partnership with scientific institutions such as Ifremer and the CNRS.


Jean-Claude Le Bleis


37 employees
including 50% engineers and managers

What types of services have you carried out for Ailes Marines ?

“ Ailes Marines asked us to supply a network of seven oceanographic meteorological and environmental measurement buoys for monitoring construction work on the offshore wind farm in the Bay of Saint-Brieuc. These oceanographic buoys, developed entirely by NKE Instrumentation, will be equipped with new multi-parameter probes from the WiMo range in order to measure in real time the level of turbidity at 1.50 meters below the water surface as well as at 3 meters above below the bottom. We look forward to working alongside Ailes Marines to provide clean energy in France, thanks to our cutting-edge substation technology and our expertise in integrating renewable energy into the onshore electricity grid. . »

Jean-Claude Le Bleis

Director of Nke Instrumentation

This service mobilized how many jobs for how long?

“8 employees worked full time to manufacture the 7 buoys for 4 months and 3 employees will carry out the maintenance mission in operational condition (MCO) for 41 months. During these more or less long missions, they resided permanently in the territory. »

Jean-Claude Le Bleis

Director of Nke Instrumentation

Why did you respond to Ailes Marines ’ call for tenders?

“This call for tenders will allow us to implement all our know-how simultaneously and for a long period and we hope to quickly demonstrate it to future European customers. From the fall, we will respond to similar calls for tenders in Germany, Scotland, Spain…”

Jean-Claude Le Bleis

Director of Nke Instrumentation