A sustainable and integrated aquaculture farm within the Saint-Brieuc offshore wind farm.

A sustainable and integrated aquaculture farm within the Saint-Brieuc offshore wind farm.

This Tuesday, December 20, 2022, the Northern Brittany Regional Shellfish Farming Committee (CRCBN) and Ailes Marines signed an agreement to finance a feasibility study of an Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (AMTI) farm project. Funded by Ailes Marines, the feasibility study will aim to determine the regulatory, technical and economic terms of this innovative project.

Offshore wind power

Offshore wind power

A true emblem of the energy transition, offshore wind power has already attracted many countries. The production of energy by offshore wind power is indeed very interesting depending on the geographical location of the parks. In France, it particularly has real potential, thanks to a vast and windy maritime landscape. Discovery.

Study report on cuttlefish monitoring

Study report on cuttlefish monitoring

Concerned about developing an environmentally friendly and integrated wind project in the bay of Saint-Brieuc, Ailes Marines has set up a team of specialized engineers and doctors. It was important for the company to carry out additional studies for the sake of transparency and accountability.

Marine mammal observer

Marine mammal observer

Do you also like looking at these marine creatures that surprise and intrigue us?
But do you know the job of observing marine mammals?
Their mission: to observe marine mammals to better protect them.

Ground species benthic biocenoses

Ground species benthic biocenoses

Setec In Vivo reveals the results of studies related to species living on and in the seabed, called benthic biocenoses. Conducted since 2012 to date, the objective was to identify their presence and distribution to ultimately assess the environmental impact of the establishment of an offshore wind farm in the Bay of Saint-Brieuc.