The measures put in place

Environmental reports

Follow-up measures


The reef effect 

Monitoring the reef effect of the foundations of the St-Brieuc offshore wind farm is not prescribed in its authorization. On the other hand, Ailes Marines is committed to...

Photomontage after construction

The objective of this measure is to validate that the photomontages presented as part of the impact study were representative of the reality once the park...

Monitoring bats during the operational phase

In the operational phase, 8 wind turbines will be equipped with acoustic recording stations (ultrasound) in order to evaluate and characterize the activity of...

Monitoring bats during the construction phase

The methodology consists of equipping a ship as well as the Grand Léjon lighthouse with an acoustic system including an acoustic recorder, a microphone, etc.

Monitoring of fisheries resources

The objective of this monitoring is to assess the impacts of the construction and operation of the offshore wind farm and its connection on the fishery resource...

Passive acoustic monitoring of marine mammals

The objective of “passive acoustic” monitoring of marine mammals is to provide information on the activity of cetaceans in the area of ​​the offshore wind farm before work (state of...

Monitoring of nesting colonies

The objective of the measure is to improve knowledge of the nesting colonies in the Bay of Saint-Brieuc. This monitoring is not intended to replace...

Visual monitoring of marine mammals and birds

The main objective of the “visual” monitoring of marine mammals and birds is to determine the impact of the work and operation of the wind farm off the coast...

Benthos/water/sediment monitoring

The operations are part of a global ecological restoration project for the island with the profile of nesting seabird colonies. In fact, the...

Telemetric monitoring of Alcidae

The measure concerns nesting Torda Penguins and Common Guillemots in the Cap Fréhel colony. The aim is to clarify the ecology of these two species and...

Telemetric monitoring of gannets

The objective of the measure is to improve knowledge of the ecology of the gannet in the bay of Saint-Brieuc. This monitoring is not intended to replace...

Monitoring of avifauna by maritime radar

Monitoring of avifauna by maritime radar will be carried out using an automated radar/camera system installed in the park. Vertical data brings...

Monitoring of avifauna by terrestrial radar

As the offshore radar can only be functional when the wind turbines are energized, monitoring by terrestrial radar is set up before and during construction....

Monitoring the dispersal of Alcidae chicks

The objective of the measurement is to improve knowledge of the phenomenon of dispersal of adults and their chicks at sea and to verify whether this...

Reduction and avoidance measures

Noise reduction measures at source 

The Saint-Brieuc park is the first park in France which will be built 100% using the drilling technique. Throughout the construction phase, the project teams...
2020.09-preparation of the drill

Reduction of photoattraction under construction

The impact study highlighted that certain species of birds in flight were more sensitive to light than others. In the absence of measures...
balearic shearwater

Reduction in the disturbance of the Balearic shearwater during periods of internuptial presence

The objective of the measure is to inform site personnel to enable the avoidance of shearwater rafts by personnel transfer vessels (CTV)...

Compensation measures

American mink

Eradication of American Mink on the Trégor Islands – Pink Granite Coast

The operations are part of a global ecological restoration project for the island with the profile of nesting seabird colonies. In fact, the...

Fight against predation of seabirds by carrion crows

This measure, implemented since 2012, aims to limit predation on seabird clutches by crows tending to specialize on guillemots...

Improvement of the tranquility of marine mammals

The objective of this measure is to reinforce the tranquility of marine mammals in the Normandy Breton Gulf during the construction phase of the wind farm off the coast of the bay...

Accompanying measures


Experimentation with a collision avoidance system for avifauna

This support measure concerns the testing of a system to avoid bird collisions with the blades of wind turbines in operation. The system...

Turbidity modeling

AU-IOTA prescribes that prior to starting work on the foundations, the client carries out modeling of the dispersion of materials in...

Noise impact study on fisheries resources

This support measure focuses on assessing the impact of noise on various emblematic species of the fishery resource of interest in the Bay of...

Monitoring of marine mammals by photo-identification

The objective is to contribute to the knowledge of marine mammals in the GNB by contributing to the catalog currently being created by the GECC. This measure includes...