The IBReizh program

In parallel with the deployment of the offshore wind farm in the Bay of Saint-Brieuc , Ailes Marines initiated the IBReizh economic development program , intended to support projects designed by local operators on the Breton territory.

Supported by Ailes Marines and co-led by the Brittany Region , this 7-year program  aims to support actions linked to the sea and renewable energies by relying on key players engaged in local dynamics .

Four areas of intervention have been identified in connection with energy and the sea: economic development , support for the fishing sector , the environment/biodiversity and tourism .

For economic development

Project integration and economic development.

To support the fishing industry

Measurements and development of the sector.

For the environment and biodiversity

Development of knowledge and support for territorial actions.

For tourism development

Integration of the project into the local tourist offer.

Our partners

The program is managed, for each theme, by local network heads who interface with project leaders within the framework of calls for projects or specific fundraising.

Do you have a project related to maritime or energy focusing on one of the 4 target themes?
Please contact the key players who will give you all the useful information for submitting your files: 


How the program works

IBREIZH is a Breton regional program , with priority given to Côtes d'Armor, consistent with the location of the offshore wind farm.

It provides co-financing in order to provide a measurable leverage effect to projects.

Project selection criteria


The project must take place on Breton territory, with priority given to Côtes d'Armor.


Economic or environmental benefits for the territory


Beneficiary and/or collective interests


Projects must be consistent with the regulations in force, in particular with the concept of State Aid.


Viability and sustainability of the project: financial feasibility, technical skills of the project leader, project based on objective criteria, in line with territorial public policies.


Taking into account sustainable development on 3 axes: environmental, economic and social.


Financial criterion: projects must present co-financing.

Our partnerships

January 2024
January 2024

CCI of Côtes d’Armor

Partnership with the CCI Côtes d'Armor to participate in the co-financing of projects linked to territorial economic development.

Two first projects already benefit from co-financing:

  • the rehabilitation of the Erquy and Saint Quay Portrieux tide pools
  • the construction of a building for fishing professionals in the port of Saint-Cast

Brittany Regional Committee for Maritime Fisheries and Marine Farming

Renewal of the partnership with the Regional Committee for Maritime Fisheries and Marine Farming of Brittany (CRPMEM of Brittany) and the Departmental Committees for Maritime Fisheries and Marine Farming of Côtes d'Armor (CDPMEM 22) and Ille-et-Vilaine (CDPMEM 35) to continue collaboration during the operation and maintenance phase of the offshore wind farm.

October 2023
October 2023

Brittany Atlantic Sea Pole

Launch of a call for projects in partnership with the Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique (PMBA) to identify technical solutions for the collection and processing of drifting objects on the offshore wind farm and to optimize the monitoring of biodiversity in sea.

March 2023
March 2023

France Energies Marines Research Institute

Partnership with the France Energies Marines Research Institute (FEM), to participate in the financing of innovative Research and Development projects linked to the development of MRE.

December 2022
December 2022

Northern Brittany Regional Shellfish Farming Committee

Partnership with the Northern Brittany Regional Shellfish Farming Committee (CRC-BN) to carry out a pre-feasibility study for the development of an aquaculture farm on the Saint-Brieuc offshore wind farm.

November 2022
November 2022

Brittany region

Signature by the Brittany Region and Ailes Marines of the partnership for the implementation of a territorial economic development program on the Breton territory for a period of 7 years.