Charter of good conduct and moderation for social media users @AilesMarines


  • 95c11ePreamble

The Ailes Marines company is present on Linkedin , Twitter , Facebook and Instagram to keep you informed of the latest news on the wind farm project off the bay of Saint-Brieuc.
The @AilesMarines social networks affiliated with the website are a place for information, exchanges and discussion.

  • GOODUser rights and duties

While all visitors to this page are free to participate and comment, we invite you to show courtesy and moderation in all of your comments.

In order to make our social accounts spaces for quality exchange, we adopt the following rules regarding moderation.
Thank you for taking the time to read them. We invite you to show respect and not to insult, defame or use any other marks of disrespect. Any comments that are defamatory, racist, xenophobic, aggressive or denigrating another user are prohibited.

We reserve the right, without notice, to hide or delete comments that violate these rules, and to block anyone who repeatedly violates them.

  • responsibilityResponsibility

Finally, we invite you to be very vigilant regarding false information that may circulate in the comments, in fact, certain unverified information can spread faster than information requiring journalistic cross-checking and verification work or scientific studies. Never take information from an unknown account as true.

Under no circumstances can @AilesMarines be held responsible for messages and publications posted on the page by users.
We thank you in advance for your contribution. Let us be tolerant, respectful and responsible, on social networks, as elsewhere. »