The Saint-Brieuc park is the first park in France which will be built 100% using the drilling technique. Throughout the construction phase, the Ailes Marines project teams used the drilling technique instead of the piling technique.
The impact study highlighted that certain species of birds in flight were more sensitive to light than others.
In the absence of mitigation measures, the potential effects of light attraction were rated as medium for petrels and shearwaters and weak to negligible for other bird species. Although limited information is available regarding their (migratory) behavior. This measure aims to reduce the impact of lights on ships during the work phase.
The objective of the measure is to inform site personnel to enable the avoidance of shearwater rafts by personnel transfer vessels (CTV) during work at sea and to raise public awareness.
This measure targeted departures from Saint-Quay-Portrieux (initial port of the construction phase), because the impact study had highlighted that rafts of shearwaters were present between this port and the construction area at sea. However, the location of the port has evolved and it will be located in Lézardrieux. Rafts of shearwaters are no longer found on shipping routes and the risk of encountering them is now negligible, thereby reducing the incidence identified in the impact study. The measure was therefore adapted to meet new needs.